Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Gene Simmons on American Idol

I just watched American Idol for the very first time tonight. Why? Because Gene Simmons was a guest judge! It was pretty good, if for no other reason that to watch people make fools of themselves. My favorite was the geeky "movie projectionist." This part of every season, where people come in off the street to audition, is probably the only part of the season that I would care to watch, because it's funny. Cause later on in the season it probably just becomes another talent show. And Randy the Judge DOES say "dawg" every other word! I think I found that out from watching a Saturday Night Live skit one time that was parodying American Idol. And I wonder if Gene met that fine girl that made the audition after the show? He was looking at her pretty hard. Heh heh heh...