Sunday, May 26, 2024

Had to watch "Armageddon Game" from Star Trek: DS9, too!

Okay, so after watching Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Chase" the night before, I had to watch "Armageddon Game" from Deep Space Nine last night, because it was the only episode of Star Trek before Rayner on this season of Discovery to feature Kelleruns! And unlike "The Chase," I didn't really remember the story from "Armageddon Game." But it's been pretty cool for a regular character on this season to be of an alien species that had only been seen once before on Star Trek.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Watched Star Trek: TNG's "The Chase" again because of Discovery, and recognized some Klingon words I knew to boot!

Since Star Trek: Discovery's current season is based on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "The Chase," I've been wanting to watch that episode again all season and I finally did tonight. It's probably the first time I've watched it since around the time it came out. I always remembered the basic storyline of it.

I taught myself had to speak a tad bit of Klingon in the 1990s, and learned how to count to five in Klingon. So when the Klingon captain in this episode was playing a game with Commander Data, he said "One, two, three" in Klingon, and I recognized the words as such! I don't think I would have known those words when the episode originally aired, because the episode was from 1993, and I think it was a little while later that I studied a little Klingon. So that was a cool little treat I got from the rewatch. (Although the Klingon captain said the Klingon word for three a little differently than I learned, but it was still close enough that I knew what he was saying. That's just what you call a different dialect! 😁)

Captain Nu'Daq saying the Klingon word for three...his way.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Watching "The Red Room Riddle" for the first time since I was a kid

I was reading a review tonight on of the latest episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks, “In the Cradle of Vexilon." The review mentions that Boimler's near-death experience "was a nod to the iconic Red Room from Twin Peaks." I didn't know anything about Twin Peaks' Red Room because I never watched the series, but it reminded me of a different "red room."

There used to be a TV show that aired Saturday mornings called ABC Weekend Specials, and one episode in the early 1980s was called "The Red Room Riddle." I remember watching it back then as a kid. I decided to search for it on the internet and found it. I was thinking it was called "The Red Room," but actually it was called "The Red Room Riddle." So I watched it for the first time in about 40 years! The only thing I could remember before watching the episode again was the boy laughing with his dog and the house behind them. (I didn't remember them being in ghostly form, though.) As a matter of fact, I think this episode inspired me to write my own fictional short story back when I was kid about me & my friends at the time visiting a haunted house.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Haunted Mansion movie & Little Italy pizza

The Haunted Mansion movie came out this past weekend. The Malco IMAX screen is still showing Oppenheimer, but the Malco MXT screen is showing Haunted Mansion! So Babs and I decided to go see it in MXT Sunday at 4:20pm at the Malco Powerhouse Cinema. I knew I didn't have a Haunted Mansion-only shirt to wear to the show, but then I realized that I did have a shirt that had Haunted Mansion on it: a shirt I bought at Disney World back in 2010! So I put that sucker on!
See...Haunted Mansion is on there! 👓

Ready to see Haunted Mansion on the almost-IMAX screen!

Got me a Transformers: Rise of the Beasts cup!

After the movie, I saw that there was a Little Italy pizza place just down the street from the theater. We had eaten at the one in Midtown before and it was dee-lish. So we just left our car at the Malco and walked down the street to the restaurant.

When we got to Little Italy, we ordered the Meat Lovers Pizza. Barbra said it was cooler outside than it was inside, so we ate outside. We were also not far from Earnestine and Hazel’s, so I gave Barbra an education on how that place is deemed one of the most haunted places in America. It was fitting to be so close to it, since we just saw the Haunted Mansion movie! 👻

The pizza arrives, New York style. Where's Kariann to do the pizza face? 😃

Chow time. We're ready, Teddy. 😋 But it's a good thing Teddy wasn't here! 😁

After eating, we wanted milkshakes, so we went to Dixie Queen in West Memphis for dessert. When we got there and ordered, they told us on the speaker that it would be three hours before they had ice cream again! So then we went to the Wendy's drive-through and the car in front of us at the speaker wasn't moving, so we left there, too. Then we went to Krystal, and there were two cars in front of us before the speaker, and they weren't moving either! Then we went to Sonic in Marion and were finally able to get our milkshakes. Fast-food restaurants, yall need to get it together!

Finally got some dessert. Only took going to four fast food joints. Pathetic! 😠😄

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Crazy Bigfoot coincidence

Sunday, discovery+ debuted Jack Osbourne's Night Of Terror: Bigfoot. Barbra wanted to watch it because she likes watching things about Bigfoot. So we watched it Sunday night.

Later on that night, I was going to be doing a few things and wanted the TV on in the background. I was flipping channels on Dish and came upon a Bigfoot special (or two) that was going to be at least two hours long. I think it was on the Discovery Channel. So I left it on that channel for a bit as I did a few things.

Later on still that night (which was by now the early morning), I was lying on the bed and flipping through HBO Max. I came upon Super Friends, which I haven't watched in years. I flipped through the seasons and picked an episode at random to watch. I didn't think I would watch the entire episode, just a few minutes or so of it. I started playing the episode. It showed the opening credits, and then the title card to the first story of the episode. And of all things, the name of the first story was: BIG FOOT! 

Apparently it was Bigfoot Night for me!

This particular season of Super Friends had like three stories per episode, and the HBO Max screen that showed this season's episodes also listed the titles of each story beside the episode numbers. So there were a lot of titles of stories of episodes on that screen, which is why I didn't even notice the name of this story at first. As a matter of fact, I think I may have even noticed the names of the second and third stories of this episode, just not the first.

So after a night of watching Bigfoot shows, I pick an episode of Super Friends to watch that just so happens to be about Bigfoot. FREAKYYYYYY!!!

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Gas coincidence

Last month, on April 2, I filled up my truck with gas at Marion, AR, and it cost $57.94. The next day, on April 3, I filled up three portable gas containers with gas here in Osceola, AR, and it cost $42.06.

57.94 + 42.06 = 100.


It's Company Convenience time; and it's for the longest time ever


It's the most wonderful time of the year: Company Convenience time! Last spring & summer during Company Convenience time, we only got two weeks or so off at a time. This was because the pandemic was just starting, and stores at first weren't placing any orders, and then later they started ordering to make up for it. But this year, we're back to getting our full time off. And it's going to be for eleven-and-a-half-weeks, the longest period of time off we've ever had! I'm about a week into it now, so I still have a little over 10 weeks off left! Yee-haw! 😁

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Company Convenience: right on time for a mini-vacation!

My Company Convenience paper; a beautiful site, isn't it?

Yep, that's right, it's Company Convenience time again. Perfect timing, too, since we're visiting Branson, MO, this weekend for Labor Day weekend. So I'll be plenty rested for our little mini-vacation, both before and after!