Saturday, December 11, 2004

Catwoman kills Batman at my house!

My female kitty kat, Shadi, knocked over my Batman Bobble Head today and busted his bobbling head! Then I busted her hiney! But then she caught a freaky-looking cricket afterwards, so I guess she was trying to make up for it. She's been catching a lot of crickets lately, but they were all the normal ones. This was her first freaky one.


Anonymous said...

Leave that poor cat alone! Hasn't she been through enough?

Tracy Walters said...

You mean like this?

Anonymous said...

Yes, like that! Cat's are supposed to have hair. You have her buzzed, she knocks over your stuff. Fair's fair...

Anonymous said...

lets eat that cat.

Tracy Walters said...

The URL for Shadi's picture is now here.

Tracy Walters said...

And since my ISP, which had been giving me free webspace for years, took down my webpages (without even giving me a warning about it), the URL for Shadi's picture is now here.