Saturday, March 25, 2006

Steroid Man's elbow hurts him again because of steroids

I read today on USA that Steroid Man Barry Bonds was scratched from the lineup for a preseason baseball game today because his left elbow was hurting him again. It's the same elbow that caused him to be on the disabled list for seven weeks in 1999. The new book "Game of Shadows" says that's because the steroids he was taking allowed him to put on muscle too quickly. However, the USA Today article doesn't even mention that the book says that, even though it talks about the book in the same article! USA Today didn't have to state the book's info as fact, they could've just said that the book said that! And I couldn't even find anything at all about Bonds missing the game today on! So what are all these people, WUSSIES!?!? Afraid Steroid Man is going to knock down their doors and beat them up?!?!

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