Sunday, May 26, 2024

Had to watch "Armageddon Game" from Star Trek: DS9, too!

Okay, so after watching Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Chase" the night before, I had to watch "Armageddon Game" from Deep Space Nine last night, because it was the only episode of Star Trek before Rayner on this season of Discovery to feature Kelleruns! And unlike "The Chase," I didn't really remember the story from "Armageddon Game." But it's been pretty cool for a regular character on this season to be of an alien species that had only been seen once before on Star Trek.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Watched Star Trek: TNG's "The Chase" again because of Discovery, and recognized some Klingon words I knew to boot!

Since Star Trek: Discovery's current season is based on an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation called "The Chase," I've been wanting to watch that episode again all season and I finally did tonight. It's probably the first time I've watched it since around the time it came out. I always remembered the basic storyline of it.

I taught myself had to speak a tad bit of Klingon in the 1990s, and learned how to count to five in Klingon. So when the Klingon captain in this episode was playing a game with Commander Data, he said "One, two, three" in Klingon, and I recognized the words as such! I don't think I would have known those words when the episode originally aired, because the episode was from 1993, and I think it was a little while later that I studied a little Klingon. So that was a cool little treat I got from the rewatch. (Although the Klingon captain said the Klingon word for three a little differently than I learned, but it was still close enough that I knew what he was saying. That's just what you call a different dialect! 😁)

Captain Nu'Daq saying the Klingon word for three...his way.