Saturday, December 30, 2006
Indiana Jones is back! About time!
Indiana Jones is finally coming back! George Lucas and Steven Spielburg have been talking about it for over ten years, but it looks like it is FINALLY on track this time. Lucas said yesterday that it is going to start filming in 2007 and will come out in May 2008. (Which I think is an appropriate time, because the three Star Wars prequels came out at three-year intervals and always in May, and had there been another one, it would have came out in May 2008!) Lucas made the announcement during a break from preparing for his duties as grand marshal of New Year's Day's Rose Parade. (There are going to be people in the parade dressed as Star Wars characters, so that'll be cool.)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Anorexics on Entertainment Tonight Part Two
In my May 23 column, I noted that Entertainment Tonight has stories on anorexics every night. Well, I watched ET tonight for the first time in a long time, and...yep, you guessed it...there was a story about an anorexic on there!! Thankfully, the story was about a good-looking actress on The Sopranos who had gone through anorexia in the past, so we didn't actually have to see her looking all grossed-out and stuff. But in another segment, Delta Burke talked about some eating disorder she's had before, or something. Ooookay...
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Gay Night for the Grizzlies

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Democrats sweep the elections...thank the Lord
The Democrats have won the majority in the House of Representatives, will probably win the majority in the Senate, and in my home state of Arkansas, Democrat Mike Beebe destroyed Republican Asa Hutchinson in the polls to win the governor's seat. Nancy Pelosi will probably become Speaker of the House, and in so doing, become the first female to ever do so. (Bet you'll never see a female Republican politician with that job...waitaminit, are there any female Republican politicians?) And then today, President Dubya, seeing that his power was about to go bye-bye, fired the pariah Donald Rumsfeld. The only way things could be better is if President Dubya himself were gone. I know for a fact that in the past two presidential elections Republican voters have been so stressed out, because they thought that they just had to vote for someone who is such a damn IDIOT to be the president, just because he was a Republican. I mean, entire books have been written on how he can't even talk right! And he's the president! I even gave one of those books to my Dad one year for Christmas. But oh well, the bottom line is, God has truly blessed our country this week, and we should all be thankful for that.
UPDATE 11/9/2006: Yesterday Democrat Jim Webb was declared the winner of the Virginia senatorial election by the Associated Press, which means that Democrats have indeed taken over the Senate as well. God is good.
UPDATE 11/12/06: I wasn't for sure until I saw just now, but the elections have also given Democrats a majority in state governorships across the nation: 28 for Democrats, 22 for Republicans. Praise the Lord.
UPDATE 11/9/2006: Yesterday Democrat Jim Webb was declared the winner of the Virginia senatorial election by the Associated Press, which means that Democrats have indeed taken over the Senate as well. God is good.
UPDATE 11/12/06: I wasn't for sure until I saw just now, but the elections have also given Democrats a majority in state governorships across the nation: 28 for Democrats, 22 for Republicans. Praise the Lord.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
My birthday on Deal or No Deal
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Taliban or Talabani?
I just found out that the president of Iraq is named Talabani!! Doesn't that sound a lot like Taliban?? Damn, they're coming back in Afghanistan and already in charge in Iraq!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
P.S. I found out his name from last week's episode of Saturday Night Live. When I heard it on there, I looked it up on the internet to make sure the name was real, and it was! It took SNL to educate me about the name of the Iraqi president because whenever news programs talk about Iraq, all they talk about is bombings and killings that happen over there. Oh wait...that IS all that happens over there.
P.S. I found out his name from last week's episode of Saturday Night Live. When I heard it on there, I looked it up on the internet to make sure the name was real, and it was! It took SNL to educate me about the name of the Iraqi president because whenever news programs talk about Iraq, all they talk about is bombings and killings that happen over there. Oh wait...that IS all that happens over there.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Road sign love

I took this pic yesterday of a graffitied-up road sign close to Sports & Racing in Gosnell. I've seen other graffiti around Gosnell and Blytheville for a while now saying stuff like "I Heart Baby Tracy", but this sign was sprayed sometime in the past four weeks. On the fence next to this sign was sprayed "I Heart (somebody else)," so Tracy must have sprayed that one. 'Twasn't THIS Tracy, though!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Political signs on public property

UPDATE 10/29/06: Never heard back from the Jonesboro Sun, so I just e-mailed the Blytheville Courier-News newspaper and the CW and NBC TV stations in Memphis about it. Reckon one of them will think it's a good story?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Grizzly time!
It's that time of year again...time for the Grizz to stink it up! Waitaminit...I take that back...they usually do pretty good in the regular's the PLAYOFFS where they stink it up! But this year's gonna be different, right? Ha ha! (At least they got rid of Lorenzen Wright this summer, so that'll mean a few extra wins right there. Maybe even one or two in the playoffs!) Here are me and Barbra Wednesday night at the first home preseason game, where they sucked big time. But hey, it's only the preseason, so it doesn't count! But that new PA announcer they got sucks. Maybe he'll get better.

Superman everywhere at Mississippi State Fair
I was at the Mississippi State Fair all last weekend because my parents have a booth there. Well, that Saturday I noticed that just about everyone had on a Superman shirt except for me!! I was jealous!! Luckily I had brought along a Superman shirt of my own to wear, and so I wore it Sunday! I had to show those folks that they weren't the only ones who could be cool!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Memphis to finally show Smallville in prime time for the first time ever!
Memphis is finally showing Smallville when it's supposed to be shown: Thursdays at 7pm! See, Memphis used to have a UPN station but not a WB station. However, the UPN station also carried The WB's prime time lineup, but it would be shown after UPN's prime time lineup. But now with the merger of UPN and The WB into The CW, Smallville is finally going to be shown in its rightful timeslot!
When it was first announced months ago that UPN and The WB were going to merge, I immediately figured that would mean Smallville would now be on at 7. I just hoped Memphis didn't screw it up somehow. Well, the other day I noticed on my TiVo's program guide that on September 28th at 7pm, when the season premiere of Smallville was supposed to be shown, that there was going to be DIFFERENT programming!! So I e-mailed the program director of Memphis' CW and she told me that Smallville would indeed come on at that time! And she even called the listing service and told them that their data was incorrect...and it was all because of me: Tracy Walters, TV Watchdog!!
The only question now is...since Survivor also comes on Thursdays at 7...which one do I watch first???
When it was first announced months ago that UPN and The WB were going to merge, I immediately figured that would mean Smallville would now be on at 7. I just hoped Memphis didn't screw it up somehow. Well, the other day I noticed on my TiVo's program guide that on September 28th at 7pm, when the season premiere of Smallville was supposed to be shown, that there was going to be DIFFERENT programming!! So I e-mailed the program director of Memphis' CW and she told me that Smallville would indeed come on at that time! And she even called the listing service and told them that their data was incorrect...and it was all because of me: Tracy Walters, TV Watchdog!!
The only question now is...since Survivor also comes on Thursdays at 7...which one do I watch first???
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The moment I've been waiting on for years finally happened yesterday! Lorenzen Wright signed a contract with the Atlanta Hawks, thus guaranteeing he won't be back on the Grizz this season! HALLELUJAH!!!!!
Just like in my February 28 column, my grandma won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes again today, and she's gonna give me half of it again! But back then, it was $10,000,000. Today it was just a measly $1,000,000. Oh well, it'll be good enough!
Friday, August 04, 2006
NBA fixes playoff system...a little late for the Grizz, though
The flaw in the NBA's playoff seeding was pretty much corrected Wednesday, so now teams in certain situations at the end of the regular season shouldn't have to purposfully try to lose games in order to get an easier opponent in the first round of the playoffs. Too bad the new rules weren't in effect all along, or maybe the Grizzlies wouldn't have the worst playoff record in NBA history right now!
Aquaman pilot on iTunes
The Aquaman pilot was put on iTunes for $1.99 last week, on the night of July 25th! I was on vacation in Panama City Beach, Florida, last week, so I didn't even know about it until I got back Sunday night. But then I bought it and watched it and it was totally awesome! And, of course, it was the number one video download on iTunes for over a week after it was first released! So everyone get on over to iTunes and buy it right now!!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Muffler Man makes me famous!
I submitted my recent picture with a Muffler Man in West Memphis to and they published it, along with the description I wrote! Check the page out here! And ole Teddy got credit on the picture for taking the picture! (Even though he took the pic with my camera! Ha ha!)
Monday, July 03, 2006
Muffler Man

I've seen before on that around the Fourth of July, a fireworks stand in West Memphis next to Interstate 40 will have a big Muffler Man next to it. I think that I had seen the Muffler Man there before, but Saturday night (while returning from seeing Superman Returns for the second time) I spotted him and had my picture taken with him!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Super Month
June is shaping up to be Super Month! The main reason, of course, is that the first Superman movie in 19 years, Superman Returns, comes out on the 28th. But there are plenty of other Super-happenings this month: there was a two-hour documentary on A&E last night that told Superman's entire history (in comics, movies, TV, and more), there are SEVEN Superman-related DVDs coming out a week from today, and there was the 28th annual Superman Celebration in Metropolis, Illinois, this past weekend! I was there, and it was the fifth year in a row that I attended. Here are me and Barbra at the Superman statue there Saturday.

Monday, June 05, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Prince on American Idol...could Michael be far behind?
I couldn't believe that Prince was on the American Idol finale tonight! He's such a recluse and so shy (even after decades of being in the public eye). So I'm going to say what I've been thinking for a while now: at some point in the next few years, I predict that Michael Jackson will be on an episode of American Idol. And after seeing tonight's show, I figure that it will probably be at the end of a season finale, like Prince tonight. I've thought for a while now that Michael would eventually be on there, but it won't be anytime soon. It'll probably take a few years, to give the public and Michael himself time to get over his trial. Because after all, American Idol is the #1 show on TV and it's been given the go-ahead for several more years already, so it's going to be around for a long time.
And by the way, I'm glad Taylor won tonight. I wanted Chris to win, but since he was voted off two weeks ago, I've been going for Taylor.
And by the way, I'm glad Taylor won tonight. I wanted Chris to win, but since he was voted off two weeks ago, I've been going for Taylor.
Anorexics on Entertainment Tonight Part Two
I turned on Entertainment Tonight tonight to see what they were going to say about the American Idol finale airing tonight, and guess what I saw...another story about that anorexic they were showing yesterday! ARRRRRGGH!!!!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Anorexics on Entertainment Tonight
Why does Entertainment Tonight always have stories about anorexics? I watch the show every once in a while, and just about every time I turn the TV over there, they have a story about some woman that's so damn skinny that you can see her internal organs and I can't even watch the show cause it makes me sick to my stomach!! There's a story on there TONIGHT about some anorexic! Gross!
Thought I'd include a picture of the anorexic on tonight's show in case yall thought I was exaggerating or something!
Thought I'd include a picture of the anorexic on tonight's show in case yall thought I was exaggerating or something!

Saturday, May 20, 2006
Aquaman petition
I was looking for the petition to get the Aquaman show on the air yesterday and I found it! Here it is! I'm signature #703. And I've also found out that only three new shows made it to The CW this fall, and they were all under development at UPN only. None from The WB (which is where Aquaman was) made it. And the woman who made The CW's fall lineup announcement Thursday was the same woman who was developing those shows at UPN. So maybe that had something to do with it too.
Aquaman may be on his way back!
Now the President of Entertainment for The CW is saying that the Aquaman TV show could become a mid-season replacement. All the people bitching and complaining about Aquaman not being given a chance (like me) and the huge positive response to the trailer may be making the network execs reconsider! Arthur Curry hasn't drowned yet...
P.S. has actually seen the pilot in its entirety and says that it kicks total ass! Go there are read the review!
P.S. has actually seen the pilot in its entirety and says that it kicks total ass! Go there are read the review!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Aquaman on TV this fall? Not yet...
The CW decided yesterday not to pick up the Aquaman live-action TV series for this fall!! What kind of crap is that? And then this morning I saw where the trailer for the pilot was on a Warner Bros. server for a little while, but was then taken down. There was also a page put up temporarily on The CW's site that had Aquaman listed and said that it would come on Wednesdays at 8pm! So what gives?? It seems like they're testing people to see if there is any interest for the show. Well, based on the huge buzz the show has gotten the past few months, and the way people are reacting to the news that it wasn't picked up, there is a LOT of interest in the show. Anyway, I watched the trailer...and I can't BELIEVE that the network passed on this show. It just made me plum SICK they passed up on it, cause the trailer is friggin' AWESOME! Check it out here and see for yourself! If enough people complain, maybe it could become a mid-season replacment, or better yet, just go to another network. All I wanna know is...where's the petition for the show to be picked up so I can sign it!!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Grizzlies don't play to lose...they play to WIN!!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006
More than one Grizz game for me this month

The Grizz have sucked more than I wanted them too this year, so that contributed to me only going to one game a month so far this season, which is probably the fewest games I've even been to for a season by this point in the season. But this month I'm actually going to two games (not counting playoff games, if they go to the playoffs). Here's a pic of me and Geneva from the first game we went to this month.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I jinxed the Memphis Tigers!
The Memphis Tigers just lost in their Elite Eight game in the NCAA Basketball Tournament. I didn't watch their first three games in the tournament, but I watched this one, so I figured they'd lose this one, and they did! And watching this reminded me of why I watch pro basketball and not college. In college games, it's just kids playing, so they make 10,000 mistakes a game, unlike in the NBA. And also, college has a long, boring 35-second shot clock, whereas the NBA has a lean, mean 24-second shot clock.
Steroid Man's elbow hurts him again because of steroids
I read today on USA that Steroid Man Barry Bonds was scratched from the lineup for a preseason baseball game today because his left elbow was hurting him again. It's the same elbow that caused him to be on the disabled list for seven weeks in 1999. The new book "Game of Shadows" says that's because the steroids he was taking allowed him to put on muscle too quickly. However, the USA Today article doesn't even mention that the book says that, even though it talks about the book in the same article! USA Today didn't have to state the book's info as fact, they could've just said that the book said that! And I couldn't even find anything at all about Bonds missing the game today on! So what are all these people, WUSSIES!?!? Afraid Steroid Man is going to knock down their doors and beat them up?!?!
Six more weeks...
...until I get company convenience! That's the voluntary lay-off I get every summer from my job as a distribution specialist at American Greetings. The lay-off lasts for ten weeks and I get paid unemployment pay. So I get to sit on my butt and do nothing and still get paid! I love my job this time of year...
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The Simpsons...LIVE-ACTION!
Check out this live-action Simpsons intro! It's with real folks and real locations! It was made by Sky One in the UK to promote the series. It has to be seen to be believed! (But a word of'll see Homer's butt crack! I don't remember THAT in the animated version...but I'll check it when I watch the new episode tonight. Maybe I just never paid attention.)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I'M A MILLIONAIRE!!!!! I told yall I would win!!!!! My grandma just won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes, and she's gonna give me half of it! WOO HOO!!
I'm about to become a millionaire...
Everyone has about an hour or so to get in my good graces. Because in about that time, my grandma will be winning $10,000,000 in the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes! She had me fill it out and send it in for her last month, and she said that for doing so she would give me half of the money! The winner will be announced during the NBC Nightly News.
By the way, in the envelope that had all the stuff to fill out, there were a bunch of stamps with different names of magazines on them. If you wanted a subscription to them, you put the stamps of the magazines on a form. Well, she didn't want any subscriptions, so it says if you don't want any, to put down a stamp of a mag that you might be interested in. I knew that she wouldn't care to do that either, so I put down what I wanted, which was Playboy. So if she gets a sample issue or two, I'll gladly take them off her hands. (I still haven't told her I did that though, so she'll be wondering where it came from if she gets an issue in the mail...)
By the way, in the envelope that had all the stuff to fill out, there were a bunch of stamps with different names of magazines on them. If you wanted a subscription to them, you put the stamps of the magazines on a form. Well, she didn't want any subscriptions, so it says if you don't want any, to put down a stamp of a mag that you might be interested in. I knew that she wouldn't care to do that either, so I put down what I wanted, which was Playboy. So if she gets a sample issue or two, I'll gladly take them off her hands. (I still haven't told her I did that though, so she'll be wondering where it came from if she gets an issue in the mail...)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Cheney's Got a Gun
Check out this hilarious music video about our blind vice-president. It's called "Cheney's Got a Gun," and it's to the tune of Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun."
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
King Kong...even longer!!
I read yesterday on The Digital Bits that they may be coming out with an EXTENDED EDITION of King Kong!! You know, the already way-too-long movie that came out in December! Are they nuts?? That movie would have been awesome...if it had been cut down to two hours...but a lot of scenes dragged on like crazy, and made it a big snooze-fest! But I'm not surprised...the director was Peter Jackson, who also directed the three way-too-long, would-have-been-better-at-two-hours-apiece Lord of the Rings movies. That guy is a major idiot. He needs to go back to movie school and learn how to friggin' EDIT.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Richard Hatch, the first winner of Survivor, was found guilty yesterday of not paying taxes on the million dollars he won on the show. Uhhhh...did he not think that anyone knew he won a million dollars? It was the highest-rated summer television series in history!! But he's getting what he deserves anyway, because the guy is a first-class jerk. And him being gay, I'm sure he'll be a big hit in prison.
God the Weatherman
David Waters has a religious column in The Commercial Appeal, and he usually seems to know what he's talking about. I especially liked his column this past Sunday, in which he talks about idiotic people who believe that when there are natural disasters and such, that God must be mad at people. Which is a crock of you-know-what. (I alluded to this kind of crap in my November 14th column.) So check it out here.
UPDATE 6/5/06
I did have a link to his article at the word "here" in the last sentence, but The Commercial Appeal apparently can't keep their pages straight or don't have enough money to buy enough space to keep all their articles, cause the article is no longer at the link. Oh waitaminit, the same thing happened with another Commercial Appeal artice I spoke of back in my 9/9/02 column!
UPDATE 6/5/06
I did have a link to his article at the word "here" in the last sentence, but The Commercial Appeal apparently can't keep their pages straight or don't have enough money to buy enough space to keep all their articles, cause the article is no longer at the link. Oh waitaminit, the same thing happened with another Commercial Appeal artice I spoke of back in my 9/9/02 column!
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